Sunday, November 21, 2010


Took a little inspiration from TheDaybook....

-Entering a dressing room with tons of clothes and leaving with no clothes.
-That face I make while applying chapstick (you know you do it).
-When your hairs a mess and you 're completely unaware until you look in a mirror and wonder, has my hair looked like this all day?
-Staring at the lady with her sunglasses on inside and not realizing she's giving you dirty look since you're so caught up with the fact the she's inside with sunglasses on!
-Getting a pen stuck in your hair (seems to be a daily occurance for me).
-Not being able to handle the heat of your Starbucks cup without one of those sleeves.

-Christmas music in general.
-Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks (tastes like Christmas).
-Pre-Thanksgiving excitement.
-My 2-year-old neighbor who smiles for no apparent reason.
-Christmas window displays (i LOVE Christmas).
-Watching little kids grow up.
-Plain White T's-Rhythm of Love...on replay.
-Lianne's new buttons!

Now, for a few pictures taken of my weekend:

Sugar Cookies-success!

My wrapping skills (are great)

Wish i could find those pajamas in my size!

Me and Emma (Gavin's twin sister) (:

BCBGMAXAZRIA's window displays

Tonight's full moon

I can honestly say this weekend was a good one.

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